It's not too late to give back! Today, we are sharing a few ways you can help make the holiday season brighter for someone in your community.
While the holiday season is meant to be jolly, this time of year can be a heartbreaking experience for many. Luckily, you are a few clicks away from making someone's holiday season that much better. Here's How:
Call to Freedom
Adopt a family and donate presents to survivors of human trafficking. For more information on how to adopt a family, you can contact Monica at 605-799-6153 or .
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Your donation can be doubled. YES. Now through Dec. 31st, 2021, Family Dollar can match your donation to Boys & Girls Clubs of America to ensure more kids have the meals, mentors, and meaningful life experiences to get through the toughest times and achieve their next great moment. Donate today.

East River Foster Parent Clothing Closet
Children placed through licensing agencies (foster, adoption, etc) commonly don’t have many belongings with them. The Foster Care Clothing Closet allows families to go to the closet to get those needed items like coats and hats. You can volunteer or donate by appointment.
Salvation Army
Those kettle bells are ringing! Set up in 40 locations in Sioux Falls, it is never too late to volunteer to help ring in the season of giving. If you happen to walk by, you can throw in some change.
Teacher Wish List
Do you know an outstanding teacher? Chances are, he/she has a wish list for their classroom. Check out your closest school to see how you can help teachers help kids this holiday season. It may not be a bad idea to give your local daycare a call, too.
The Banquet
The Banquet is a meal ministry here in Sioux Falls that provides meals to families in need throughout the area. Serve a meal, donate, or volunteer.

The Compass Center
The Compass Center works relentlessly to break the cycle of violence by providing counseling and support for survivors of sexual and domestic violence and crisis intervention. There are many ways to support The Compass Center including donating your myWalgreens Cash rewards! More information here.
The Helpline Center
The Helpline Center has made it easier than ever to give support and offer hope this holiday season with their Helpline Center Holiday Guide. This resource is for anyone interested in volunteering or donating. The Helpline Center provides suicide prevention and offers the 211 helpline.
Tree of Hope
You can find a Tree of Hope at supporting business locations around the area. The Tree of Hope has tags with boy and girl gift ideas which you then purchase and place back under the same tree by Christmas Day.
We love our community! It's where we live, work and play. We believe in supporting our local non-profits to make our community a better place. If you are a non-profit, you can make a donation request with our firm by emailing Crystal at or calling us at 605-988-8556.