Every year, 23,000+ teenagers exit the foster care system without family to help them transition into adulthood making their reality to achieve their dreams much harder ...until Dream Makers came along.

Dream Makers helps remove barriers that stand in the way of the empowered and connected lives these youth dream of having. Established in 2016, Dream Makers has raised over $1.5 million dollars serving 2,000+ youth in 38 different states.
So how does Dream Makers help?
It's important to know that the majority of the youth participating in the Dream Makers program were at some point removed from their families due to experiencing neglect, abuse, or abandonment. Inevitably the children age out of foster care and if they don't have a permanent placement, they are adults left to figure the world out on their own.
Dream Makers allows these teens to submit their dreams online so others can donate toward the dream (or even purchase an item entirely) to be supported financially.
In addition, Dream Makers created an entire market for former foster youth to sell their handmade items and designs. Market 18 was created to raise awareness of youth who are aging out of the foster care system at 18.

But what about their basic needs?
There is no doubt that former foster youth have become alarmingly vulnerable when it comes to finding food and basic essential needs. Most of them have virtually no support system to lean on during this crisis.
Dream Makers third leg of their mission fundraising to support teens in crisis.
Yes, it's legit.
In 2019, Dream Makers was nominated by Lynn Johnson (Assistant Secretary of the Administration for Children and Families - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) for a prestigious national award. DREAM MAKERS PROJECT IS A 501(c)(3) NONPROFIT,
Why we care:
We support Dream Makers mission to help dreams come true for these youth who have aged out of foster care, providing a market to safely sell and buy foster teens art and products, and fulfill their basic needs in crisis.

If you are someone you know would like to submit a dream of their own, they can submit a dream at this link: